Faithful Feline Urn
Take your beloved pet home in a Faithful Feline© figurine urn. These are special order urns and are not included in the basic package. Pricing is $140 sitting or laying cat and $180 with base and name plate as well. Colors are white, black, and cream.
Doghouse Urn
Honor your animal friend with the purchase of a K-9 Cottage© cremation urn. These are special order urns and are not included in the basic package. Prices are $150 for small (0-35 lbs) and $160 for Large (35-100 lbs), comes in oak, cherry, and Walnut. Call to order. Comes with name plate as well.
Tower Urns
Our Tower Series© Photo Urns are designed for the pet owner who wishes to display their favorite “vertical” photographs. These are special order urns and are not included in basic package. Pricing ranges from $120-$155. Depending on the weight of your pet, call for exact pricing.
Figurine Urns
Our most popular urn is our Figurine Urn, made from solid hardwood. (Available in maple, oak, or walnut). These are special order urns and are not included in basic package. Pricing ranges from $135-$165. Depending on weight of pet. Call for exact pricing.
Paw Print Urns
Take your beloved pet home in one of these wonderfully designed “brushed-nickel” colored Paw Print Series urns with paw prints and a personalized solid brass display base (if desired). These are special order urns and are not included in the basic package. Pricing ranges from $100- $190. Call for exact price , depends on weight…
Cremation Urn Necklaces
Cremation jewelry to have your beloved pet with you at all times. Stainless steel and chains included. Pre-filled with your pet’s remains for you. Each item necklace is $50.00
Pet Glass Beads
All Paws Go To Heaven offers a unique way to keep your pet close to your heart. Pet Glass Beads are handmade at our location in Guthrie by our very own manager Alacia, using a variety of colors you can choose from. While making the bead, we infuse your pet’s remains for an everlasting memory…
Paw Print Pendant
New! Ink Paw Print to laser printed necklace. We take an ink print of your pet’s paw and laser onto a silver pendant with their name on the bottom. Silver necklace is included and you get the ink paw print we do as well. Pendant is the size of a quarter for size reference. $50.00
Clay Paw Print
A mold is taken from the paw or nose of your beloved pet in house by our specialist Mike, who has been impressing paw prints for over 7 years, then it is shaped as a heart or a circle and name put down on the bottom then baked. We can paint the paw print black…
Basic Package
Our basic private pet cremation package is our most popular pet cremation service. You can choose from one of the pictured wooden cremation urns that comes with a photo holder(frame is a 4×6) (NEW replacements of the Mahogany and Birch as of 2-17-25) Mahogany or Birch , Cedar box with a lock and key, scatter…