Basic Package

Our basic private pet cremation package is our most popular pet cremation service. You can choose from one of the pictured wooden cremation urns that comes with a photo holder(frame is a 4×6) (NEW replacements of the Mahogany and Birch as of 2-17-25) Mahogany or Birch , Cedar box with a lock and key, scatter bag, vase, or biodegradable box to have your pet’s remains returned to you. If a name plate is needed (depending what urn you choose) , that is included as well. You also get a remembrance candle, Rainbow Bridge bookmark, Certificate of Cremation, and a Best Friend bookmark that has a charm on there and other half is in the urn with your beloved pet.
Our prices for the basic package private cremation are as follows:
(0-20lbs $150) (21-40lbs $160)
(41-50lbs $170) ( 51-60lbs $180)
(61-75lbs $190) (76lbs – 90lbs $200)
(91-125lbs $220) (126-150lbs $250)
( 151-200lbs $300)
If one of the basic remembrance options is not for you, you can also look at our special-order cremation urn booklet and other keepsakes. We have Pet Glass Beads for $60 and $35 for the second etc… (made in almost any color you want) or Clay Paw Prints for $35, painted black or natural. We also offer Ink paw or nose prints for $5 and fur clippings are free, just need to mention that to us as we only take clippings if owner wants us to do so.
Please give us a call, text, or email if you are in need of our services. We like for you to make an appointment so we can make sure no one else is scheduled and you get our full attention. We are open for 9:30am-2pm Monday through Friday and Saturday 9:30am till noon. Closed on Sundays. If none of those times work for you during the week, please give us a call until 5pm, text, or email and we can do our best to arrange a special time for after hours. Unfortunately, we do not do pick-up at homes anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience.
4404 South Division Street Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044